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People (Ludzie)

People (Ludzie) Directed by Maciej Ślesicki and Filip Hillesland

Film will be introduced by JP Schutte, former Counselor for Economic Affairs, U.S. Embassy in Kyiv (2017-2019)

The Gdynia Polish Film Festival says of Ludzie: “Once war in Ukraine breaks out, five women—each representing a different generation and points of view—start a desperate fight to save themselves and their loved ones. Their fates intertwine into an edifying tale of love, courage, sacrifice, and the power of the human spirit.” But the heart of the film is really the unrelenting and rending nature of their struggles, as they fight not against soldiers, but rather against callous thugs who are more interested in rape and pillage than any political objectives. This is a film that takes us inside war, where the Ukrainian people struggle heroically almost every minute of the day, not necessarily on the battlefield and not in any way that will be recorded in history books, but in ways that allow us not just to see this war, but literally to feel it and suffer along with them. Note that this film was produced by the Warsaw School of Film whose students participated in many of the technical aspects of the film’s production.

The film will be followed by a special panel Discussion (8:30 PM) featuring:

  • Władek Deva, second director of People

  • Oksana Markarova, Ambassador of Ukraine

  • Bogdan Klich, Chargé d'affaires of Poland

  • Walter Goetz, Head of Liaison Office at the European Parliament

    Plus, representatives from U.S. Congress and Ukrainian organizations.

Moderator: Michał Rutkowski – Regional Director for Human Development, Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

This panel will provide insights into the filmmakers' vision as well as the broader political and human rights issues surrounding the war, offering a deeper understanding of the situation in Ukraine from both a local and international perspective.

Release date



Maciej Ślesicki and Filip Hillesland


Cezary Pazura




119 minutes


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